High Resolution Inventory Solutions (HRIS)
A forest and natural resource inventory is meant to be the primary source of truth. It enables owners and managers to plan and operate sustainably and profitably. A reliable and accurate inventory is fundamental to sustainably plan for and maximize the value from your natural capital and environmental assets.
Investments in silviculture require reliable and accurate stand-level data to optimize the growth of forest stands and increase their value over time. Emerging markets (ecosystem services, mitigation banking and carbon sequestration) also require high resolution inventory information to assess investments to offset the environmental impacts of development, to support conservation efforts, and contribute to sustainability objectives.
How do we start?
Tesera recommends a Discovery Sprint, as an innovative process to quickly scope a potential inventory solution.
New Inventory Approaches
With the availability of high resolution remote-sensed data, web accessible devices, cloud hosting and machine learning techniques, a new generation of inventory approaches and solutions are available to better manage your forest and natural resource assets.
Tesera’s High Resolution Inventory Solutions (HRIS) are an integrated blend of Enhanced Forest Inventory (EFI) and Individual Tree Inventory (ITI) capabilities under a single unique and powerful inventory. We use remote sensing data, LiDAR, multispectral satellite imagery, ground plot data (along with terrain and climate data) to provide a more accurate, scalable, timely and cost-effective inventory.
Access to high resolution inventory data provides a more reliable view of resources on the landscape. It enables better management decisions and margins, guided by sustainable environmental stewardship principles.
An inventory is a critical measure of the value of a company, and key to efficient and effective management of its natural capital and environmental assets. It is the first step in optimizing supply chains to meet changing market demand.
Reliable inventory data enables improved understanding and collaboration to manage decisions regarding local ecosystems and economies, as well as environmental attributes, wildlife habitat, watersheds and carbon biomass.
To develop an inventory solution that can replace current conventional inventories requires a number of core competencies.
HRIS - Return on Investment
Less cost and effort on timber cruising and ground sampling
Timber cruising and ground sampling is primarily done because conventional inventories are too unreliable and low resolution for operational purposes. HRIS reduces the expense, time and human resources associated with cruising and ground sampling.
Align forecasts and inventory with market opportunities
HRIS enables more reliable planning and layouts that lead to improved forecasting, and a better match with market forecasts. HRIS enables the alignment of market and forecasts, while maximizing productivity opportunities across your supply chain.
More efficient road, cutblock, harvest planning and scheduling
Laying out roads and cutblocks, along with harvest planning and scheduling is fundamental to a company’s operations. A reliable forest and natural resource inventory results in better planning and layouts that decrease costs and improve operations in the field.
Better sustainability and silviculture investments
The efficiency and sustainability of a company's operations ultimately rests in its ability to match market and forecasts. HRIS enables more reliable planning and layouts to better align forecasts with current and future outcomes.