Tesera Systems Inc.
Founded in 1997, Tesera is an employee-owned technology company. Our team reflects a unique combination of forestry, data and analytics expertise. Our passion is forest and natural resource inventory solutions.
We are a team of smart creatives and innovators…
connecting people + data + technology
Accurate, scalable and cost-effective high resolution
forest and natural resource inventory solutions
High Resolution Inventory Solutions (HRIS)
See the forest landscape and the trees, a more accurate inventory
HRIS integrates AI-based, machine learning and advanced analytics with Enhanced Forest Inventory and Individual Tree Inventory capabilities.
Our unique and transparent approach to data aggregation and analytics empowers our clients to discover hidden and sustainable opportunities, and realize new value from their forestry and natural resource assets.
HRIS solutions are accurate, flexible and fully scalable… from small woodlands to extensive forest and natural resource landscapes covering millions of acres and hectares.
On average, HRIS provides a 66% increase in predictive accuracy (or three times more accurate).
Seeing is believing
Across several global markets, we offer the most accurate, scalable, timely and cost-effective high resolution inventory solutions. Our AI-based machine learning inventory solutions are versatile, and can support multiple data sources and applications. We also provide flexible solutions to visualize and continually update your forest and natural resource inventories.
Use your inventory to better manage forest and landscape planning, harvest scheduling, ecosystem services, support carbon markets and other applications.
“We produce a more accurate, scalable and consistent inventory in significantly less time and cost …when compared to conventional inventories.
Our focus is on delivering the best forest and natural resource inventory solutions available in the world.”
Bruce MacArthur, President & CEO
Tesera Systems Inc.
Unreliable and not scalable
Most inventories rely on low resolution imagery, broad extrapolations from ground sample plots, and are not timely or accurate.
A new generation of approaches and solutions are now available to better manage your forest and natural resource assets.
Inventories are evolving from labour intensive, manual and analog systems with broad-brush prescriptions to smarter, automated, machine learning, intelligence-based inventory solutions that feed supply chains using high resolution inventory data and precise prescriptions.
Your best choice
HRIS offers a more a more accurate, scalable and consistent forest and natural resource inventory.
Our advanced fully-scalable vector-based technology solutions use LiDAR, CIR, multispectral satellite imagery, ground plot and other data as inputs.
HRIS reduces the time and money spent on timber cruising and ground plots, harvest planning, market and log forecasts.
HRIS solutions can support multiple data sources and applications.
Our solutions are versatile, and are based on our client’s vision and needs. We can also provide a select version of HRIS in cases where clients have less access to data.
Continual data updates
HRIS enables continual updates of your forest and natural resource inventory. Discover more insights and better understand the value of your environmental assets.
More timely, scalable and relevant data is a better option. It enables better decisions with fewer data points, supporting more accurate analysis with less errors and fewer ground plot samples.
Identify and manage forests, ecosystems, carbon and forest landscape values, sustainably over time.
Respond to changing economic and environmental opportunities and risks.
Our scalable solutions can support multiple platforms, applications, data sources, and can be visualized using any standard GIS based viewer. Rapidly discover hidden opportunities and realize new value from your environmental assets and supply chains.